Monday, March 9, 2009

Just subscribed to about 6 RSS feeds by copying and pasting the addresses into the add subscription box using Google reader. I'm a bit confused - I also click on the orange box in the Irish Independents web page and it told me I had successfully subscribed to the RSS feed but it seems to have put it into my favourites list - will try to figure it out tomorrow.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Creating Google Account + Blog

I already had a google account so that was straightforward.
Instructions for creating the blog itself were very easy to follow

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

At last some good news!

A survey conducted via my blog confirms that 100% of the respondent population is well - so far

Musings on Monetize

I see on further investigation of the customisation options that the word is monetize

First Post

Hello fellow bloggers from Gerardine in MIC

I'm new to blogging and surprised it's so easy to get going - the most difficult thing is sorting out the blog title, passwords and accounts.

I'm very interested to see that my blog can be "monetarised"and look forward to filling my blog with fee paying adverts as soon as I figure out how.

All the best
